Saturday, May 15, 2010

28. The Lindell Hotel

In Tower Grove, there are stones set up to look like ruins. They are. But they aren't from there. They're from the Lindell Hotel, which burned or was destroyed somehow, and remains of the hotel were trucked to Tower Grove and set up along a pool. With a fountain. And ducks.

It's strange how odd things become everyday when they become home. When we came here to take our wedding photos, it was bizarre: why was this in a park? What the heck is this??

But now we bike past them all the time. And tour buses filled with wedding parties wait for their turn to take photos.


About Me

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I like to learn. I like to know people who can do things I don't know how to do. I like to drink coffee and sit on my south St. Louis city stoop and chat with neighbors. Dinner can wait. Very blessed by the place I've chosen to call home.

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